The Harmsma Family Tree

Oebele Annes Harmsma, 1819-1899, the oldest Harmsma ever caught in a picture 

On this website you will find the complete family tree of the Harmsma family. In fact, there are two families Harmsma, one with origins in the Dutch province of Groningen, and one with the origins in the Dutch province of Friesland. At this moment there are approximately 250 people who were born with the name Harmsma . Every Harmsma comes from either the Frysian family (90%), or from the Groningen family (not more than 10%). Most of the Harmsma's who live in Canada or the United States come from the Frysian family, and most of them only have to go back two or three generations to be back in the Netherlands. So if you thought that your ancestors arrived in America in the 17th or 18th century, than I am afraid you are wrong.

The name Harmsma only exists since 1812. It was Napoleon who made it compulsory to have a last name, and in 1812 three people chose to use the last name Harmsma. More detailed information on the Harmsma family, you can get from the administrator of the family tree, Ronald Harmsma, you will find an e-mail link at the bottom of this page.

 Unfortunately the family tree is in Dutch, and it has also been written in the formal genealogical way. When you want to find somebody, the best way is to use Ctrl-F. Just type a first name or a partners' last name. If you have additional information for me, I would appreciate it very much. There is also a page with a graphical image of the family tree and a page with Harmsma pictures.

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E-mail Family Tree Administrator, Ronald Harmsma